sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 2008

Instalare servere irc

Aici puteti invata cum sa instalati GNUWorld & IrcU & Beware IRcd

 Install GNUWorld:

Installing GNUWorld On RedHat, Mandrake, Suse, Debian, etc.

# /usr/bin/updatedb 
# locate tclConfig.sh 
# grep TCL_VERSION /usr/lib/tclConfig.sh 
wget http://www.phlander.as.ro/tcl8.3.4.tar.gz 
# tar -xzf tcl8.3.4.tar.gz 
# cd tcl8.3.4/unix/ 
# ./configure 
# make 
# make install wget http://cesnet.dl.sourceforge.net/source ... 2.4.tar.gz
# tar -xzf postgresql-7.2.4.tar.gz 
# cd postgresql-7.2.4/ 
# ./configure --with-CXX --with-tcl --without-tk 
# gmake 
# gmake install pico /etc/ld.so.conf and add the following line : /usr/local/pgsql/lib *** save the file, then run : 
# ldconfig *** To check that your PostreSQL installation includes TCL support, check that the following file exists onto your system : 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pgtclsh *** Add a User & Creating GNUWorld: 
# adduser gnuworld 
# mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data 
# chown gnuworld /usr/local/pgsql/data 
# su - gnuworld $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data *** Then run PostgreSQL : $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -m smart stop $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -SiD /usr/local/pgsql/data ( pentru conectarea pe ip ) $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -S -B 64 -N 32 -i -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -o -F -h ps auxw | grep postmaster Daca este nevoie de gcc : wget http://www.phlander.as.ro/gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz 
# tar -zxf gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz 
# cd gcc-2.95.3 
# ./configure 
# make 
# make install 
# su - gnuworld *** To Download The Gnuworld $ cvs E-mail login *** Type as password $ cvs -z3 -d E-mail co gnuworld $ cvs -z3 -d E-mail co website 
# cd gnuworld/ 
# ./configure --enable-modules=cservice,ccontrol or 
# ./configure --disable-static 
# gmake 
# gmake install 
# cd .. $ cd gnuworld/doc/ 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb cservice 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createlang plpgsql cservice -L /usr/local/pgsql/lib or # /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createlang -L /usr/local/pgsql/lib plpgsql cservice # /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < cservice.sql $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < languages.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < language_table.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < greeting.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < cservice.help.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < cservice.web.sql # /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb local_db 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql local_db < local_db.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice < cservice.addme.sql # /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb ccontrol 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql ccontrol < ccontrol.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql ccontrol < ccontrol.help.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql ccontrol < ccontrol.addme.sql 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql ccontrol < ccontrol.commands.sql 
# cd ../bin *** Edit the config files then run 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql cservice cservice=
# update pg_shadow set passwd='passwd' where usename='gnuworld'; pico /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf 
host all trust 
host all crypt 
# /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data restart 
# cd gnuworld/bin/ 
# ./gnuworld -c -f GNUWorld.conf & 
# cd ../../website/php_includes/ pico /home/gnuworld/website/php_includes/config.inc $ exit 
# cd /home/gnuworld/gnuworld/doc/cmaster/ 
# cp -rp regproc/ /usr/local/pgsql/ 
# chown -R gnuworld /usr/local/pgsql/regproc/ 
# su - gnuworld pico /usr/local/pgsql/regproc/appjudge-config 
# Number of days an application has to pass the activity test set MAX_DAYS 99 
# Number of unique IP's that must visit a channel during the activity test set UNIQUE_JOINS 99 
# Number of supporters that must visit the channel during the activity test set MIN_SUPPORTERS 99 
# Duration of the notify period set NOTIFY_DAYS 99 
# Number of days supporters have to confirm their support set SUPPORT_DAYS 99 
# chmod 755 /usr/local/pgsql/regproc/appjudge 
# crontab /usr/local/pgsql/regproc/cron-judge.in 
3 exit *** Setting up Apache and PHP 
# wget http://www.phlander.as.ro/apache_1.3.27.tar.gz wget http://www.phlander.as.ro/php-4.2.3.tar.gz tar -xzf apache_1.3.27.
tar.gz tar -xzf php-4.2.3.tar.gz 
# cd apache_1.3.27/ 
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache 
# cd ../php-4.2.3/ 
# ./configure --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql --enable-track-vars --with apache=../apache_1.3.27 
# make 
# make install 
# cd ../apache_1.3.27/ 
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --activate module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a 
# make 
# make install 
# cd ../php-4.2.3/ 
# cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini 
# pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini 
# cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ 
# chmod 711 ~gnuworld 
# chmod 711 ~gnuworld/website 
# chmod 755 ~gnuworld/website/php_includes 
# chmod 644 ~gnuworld/website/php_includes/config.inc 
# chmod 755 ~gnuworld/website/docs/gnuworld/ 
# ln -s /home/gnuworld/website/docs/gnuworld live pico /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf *** Find: DirectoryIndex index.html *** and replace by : IfModule mod_dir.c *** then find (look for example for 'AddType') : 
# And for PHP 4.x, use: 

# AddType application/x-httpd-php .php 
# AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps *** and replace by : (if you haven't found the lines above, add them in the file then) 
# And for PHP 4.x, use: 
# AddType application/x-httpd-php .php 
# AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps 
# ../bin/apachectl start 
# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

Instalare...slack11 kernel 2.6.17-x ) & bootsplash:

Asta e un tutorial pt inst la ceva

Instalare bootsplash pt kernel 2.6.x de la slackware
Eu am instlat acest bootsplash pe kernel si functioneaza fara nici o problema.

[~] Instalam bootsplash programu.

$ cd /tmp
$ wget http://ftp.scarlet.be/pub/linuxpackages ... 6-2kta.tgz
$ installpkg bootsplash-11.0-i486-2kta.tgz
$ rm -rf bootsplash-11.0-i486-2kta.tgz

in cazul in care folositi slapt-get puteti sa il instalati :

$ slapt-get install bootsplash

[~] Facem patch la kenel.

$ cd /root


$ cd ~

Acuma facem wget si instalam patch pentru kernel.

$ wget ftp://ftp.openbios.org/pub/bootsplash/k ... .6.15.diff
$ cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.x ( ex: cd /usr/src/linux- )
$ patch -p1
Acuma recompilam kernelu cu suppot de bootsplash.

$ make menuconfig

Setarile din kernel trebuie facut asa :

Under Device Drivers > Block Devices

RAM disk
[*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support

Under Device Drivers > Graphics Support

Support for frame buffer devices
[*] VESA VGA graphics support
[*] Video mode selection support
Framebuffer Console support
[*] Select compiled-in fonts
[*] VGA 8x8 font
[*] VGA 8x16 font
[M]Logo configuration
[ ] Bootup logo (Il dezactivam)
[*] Bootup splash screen

Salvam setarile facute si recompilam kernelu

$ make ; make install ; make modules_install

Dupa ce este recompilat kernelu

$ /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map
$ cp /arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz

[~] Acuma facem initrd de boot splash

$ /sbin/splash -s -f /etc/bootsplash/themes/Linux/config/bootsplash-1024�768.cfg >> /boot/initrd.splash
acesta este doar un exemplu, modificati comanda dupa themesu dumneavoastra
[~] Acuma mai trebe editat in /etc/lilo.conf

$ pico /etc/lilo.conf

la linix cu vga trbe sa fie vga = 791
[*] Sunt 2 exemple primu este bootsplash normal iar al doilea bootsplash cu slient.

[!] Primu exemplu cu bootsplash normal.
# VESA framebuffer console
vga = 791
# Linux with bootsplash
image = /boot/vmlinuz
root = /dev/hda4
label = Slacware
initrd = /boot/initrd.Linux
# End of linux with bootsplash

[!] Al doilea exemplu cu bootsplash slient.
# VESA framebuffer console
vga = 791
# Linux with bootsplash
image = /boot/vmlinuz
root = /dev/hda4
label = Slacware
initrd = /boot/initrd.Linux
# End of linux with bootsplash

Dupa accea salvezi lilo.conf si ca sa fi sigur ca nu o sa ai nici o eroare la bootloader folosesti urmatoarea comanda

$ /sbin/lilo

[!] Exemplu
root:~> /sbin/lilo
Added Slacware *
Daca ai un raspuns aseamantor cu acesta insemna ca lilo va reporni fara nici o eroare.

Install Beware IrcD:

wget www.hacktrade.internet-caffe.net/bircd.tar.tar
tar zxvf bircd.tar.tar
cd bircd
pico ircd.conf
pico bircd.ini
pico ircd.motd 
chmod +x *

As recomanda ca editarea fisierelor ( ircd.conf, bircd.ini, ircd.motd ) sa o faceti cu programul WinScP

/s -m ip-ul rutului 6667 ( /s -m 6667 )

Daca rutul nu are portul 6667 deschis nu puteti sa va conectati la server si trebuie sa ii deschideti portul prin comenzile:

1. /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6667 -j ACCEPT
2. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 6667 -j ACCEPT

Puteti sa deschideti si alte porturi pentru serverul IRC cum ar fii: 6669,6666,6660,7000,6665.

 Install VerliHub:

Pachete necesare 

1.1 - MySQL 
1.2 - pcre 
1.3 - GeoIP 
2. download 
3. compilare 
3.1 - compilare & instalare 
3.2 - numai compilare 
4. configurare si startare verlihub 
4.1 - ca daemon 
4.2 - normal 

1. Pachete necesare 

Pentru a putea compial verlihub aveti nevoie de 

1.1 MySQL 

Daca nu aveti instalat MySQL, puteti downloada de la http://www.linuxpackages.net o versiune de MySQL, instaland-o cu pkgtool , sau pkginstall 

1.2 pcre 

Distributia slackware vine cu acest pachet din default, daca nu il aveti puteti downloada de la http://www.linuxpackages.net o versiune de pcre, instaland-o cu pkgtool , sau pkginstall. 

1.3 GeoIP

wget http://opensys.linuxpackages.net/Slackw ... 6-2dst.tgz

Instalarea se va face cu comanda: 

installpkg geoip-1.3.6-i486-2dst.tgz 

2. Download verlihub 

De la aceasta adresa puteti downloada verlihub : http://sourceforge.net/projects/verlihub/ , sau o puteti lua si prin cvs , cu comenzile: 

cvs -z1 E-mail login
cvs -z1 E-mail co verlihub 

In caz ca cere o parola , apasati enter, deoarece nu exista nici o parola. 

Prima comanda va returna: 

E-mail:~# cvs -z1 E-mail login
Logging in to E-mail
CVS password:
cvs login: warning: failed to open /root/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory 

A 2-a comanda :

E-mail:~# cvs -z1 E-mail co verlihub
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub
U verlihub/AUTHORS
U verlihub/BUGS
U verlihub/COPYING
U verlihub/ChangeLog
U verlihub/INSTALL
U verlihub/LuaPlugin.dev
U verlihub/Makefile.am
U verlihub/Makefile.cvs
U verlihub/Makefile.in
U verlihub/Makefile.win
U verlihub/NEWS
U verlihub/README
U verlihub/TODO
U verlihub/acinclude.m4
U verlihub/aclocal.m4
U verlihub/config.guess
U verlihub/config.h.in
U verlihub/config.sub
U verlihub/config_geoip
U verlihub/configure
U verlihub/configure.in
U verlihub/depcomp
U verlihub/install-sh
U verlihub/ltconfig
U verlihub/ltmain.sh
U verlihub/missing
U verlihub/mkinstalldirs
U verlihub/noapos
U verlihub/noapos_mysql
U verlihub/noapos_pcre
U verlihub/stamp-h
U verlihub/stamp-h.in
U verlihub/verlihub.dev
U verlihub/verlihub.dsp
U verlihub/verlihub.dsw
U verlihub/verlihub.spec.in
U verlihub/verlihub_config.in
U verlihub/verlihubdll.dev
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/docs
U verlihub/docs/.cvsignore
U verlihub/docs/Makefile.am
U verlihub/docs/Makefile.in
U verlihub/docs/WIN_INSTALL.txt
U verlihub/docs/ascii
U verlihub/docs/configuring.txt
U verlihub/docs/features.html
U verlihub/docs/help
U verlihub/docs/help.html
U verlihub/docs/help.sql
U verlihub/docs/params.php
U verlihub/docs/plugins_devel.html
U verlihub/docs/protocol.dia
U verlihub/docs/setuphelp.sql
U verlihub/docs/using.txt
U verlihub/docs/verlihub.html
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/docs/html_docs
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/docs/html_manual
U verlihub/docs/html_manual/verlihub.css
U verlihub/docs/html_manual/verlihub_manual.html
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/docs/pdf_manual
U verlihub/docs/pdf_manual/verlihub_manual.pdf
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/html_docs
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/html_docs/verlihub_files
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/lib
U verlihub/lib/Makefile.am
U verlihub/lib/Makefile.in
U verlihub/lib/libverlihub.cpp
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins
U verlihub/plugins/Makefile.am
U verlihub/plugins/Makefile.in
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/diakritika
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/Makefile.am
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/Makefile.in
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/README
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/cdiacfg.cpp
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/cdiacfg.h
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/cpidia.cpp
U verlihub/plugins/diakritika/cpidia.h
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/hublink
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/lua
U verlihub/plugins/lua/cLua.h
U verlihub/plugins/lua/dll.h
U verlihub/plugins/lua/dllmain.cpp
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/perl
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/perl/docs
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/plugman
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/Makefile.am
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/Makefile.in
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/cconsole.cpp
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/cconsole.h
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/cpiplug.cpp
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/cpiplug.h
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/cplugs.cpp
U verlihub/plugins/plugman/cplugs.h
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/plugins/test
U verlihub/plugins/test/Makefile.am
U verlihub/plugins/test/Makefile.in
U verlihub/plugins/test/cpitest.cpp
U verlihub/plugins/test/cpitest.h
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/scripts
U verlihub/scripts/Makefile.am
U verlihub/scripts/Makefile.in
U verlihub/scripts/ccgraph
U verlihub/scripts/import_reglist_0.9.x_to_0.9.7.sql
U verlihub/scripts/odch2vh
U verlihub/scripts/regpinger
U verlihub/scripts/runhub
U verlihub/scripts/vh_getcfg.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_getdb.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_install.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_regnick.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_restart.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_runhub.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_setup.in
U verlihub/scripts/vh_trigger.in
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/scripts/def_config
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/share
U verlihub/share/Makefile.in
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/share/config
U verlihub/share/config/faq
U verlihub/share/config/help_admin
U verlihub/share/config/help_cheef
U verlihub/share/config/help_master
U verlihub/share/config/help_op
U verlihub/share/config/help_reg
U verlihub/share/config/help_usr
U verlihub/share/config/help_vip
U verlihub/share/config/motd
U verlihub/share/config/rules
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/share/sql
U verlihub/share/sql/default_conn_types.sql
U verlihub/share/sql/default_dc_clients.sql
U verlihub/share/sql/default_file_trigger.sql
U verlihub/share/sql/default_pi_plug.sql
U verlihub/share/sql/default_pi_plug.sql.in
U verlihub/share/sql/default_reglist.sql
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/src
U verlihub/src/Makefile.am
U verlihub/src/Makefile.in
U verlihub/src/cantiflood.cpp
U verlihub/src/cantiflood.h
U verlihub/src/casyncconn.cpp
U verlihub/src/casyncconn.h
U verlihub/src/casyncsocketserver.cpp
U verlihub/src/casyncsocketserver.h
U verlihub/src/cban.cpp
U verlihub/src/cban.h
U verlihub/src/cbanlist.cpp
U verlihub/src/cbanlist.h
U verlihub/src/cbanlist_interface.h
U verlihub/src/ccallbacklist.cpp
U verlihub/src/ccallbacklist.h
U verlihub/src/cchatconsole.cpp
U verlihub/src/cchatconsole.h
U verlihub/src/ccmdr.cpp
U verlihub/src/ccmdr.h
U verlihub/src/ccommand.cpp
U verlihub/src/ccommand.h
U verlihub/src/cconfigbase.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconfigbase.h
U verlihub/src/cconfigfile.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconfigfile.h
U verlihub/src/cconfigitembase.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconfigitembase.h
U verlihub/src/cconfmysql.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconfmysql.h
U verlihub/src/cconnbase.h
U verlihub/src/cconnchoose.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconnchoose.h
U verlihub/src/cconndc.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconndc.h
U verlihub/src/cconnpoll.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconnpoll.h
U verlihub/src/cconnselect.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconnselect.h
U verlihub/src/cconntypes.cpp
U verlihub/src/cconntypes.h
U verlihub/src/cdbconf.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdbconf.h
U verlihub/src/cdcclients.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdcclients.h
U verlihub/src/cdccommand.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdccommand.h
U verlihub/src/cdcconf.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdcconf.h
U verlihub/src/cdcconsole.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdcconsole.h
U verlihub/src/cdcproto.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdcproto.h
U verlihub/src/cdctag.cpp
U verlihub/src/cdctag.h
U verlihub/src/cfreqlimiter.cpp
U verlihub/src/cfreqlimiter.h
U verlihub/src/cgeoip.cpp
U verlihub/src/cgeoip.h
U verlihub/src/cinfoserver.cpp
U verlihub/src/cinfoserver.h
U verlihub/src/cinterpolexp.cpp
U verlihub/src/cinterpolexp.h
U verlihub/src/ckick.cpp
U verlihub/src/ckick.h
U verlihub/src/ckicklist.cpp
U verlihub/src/ckicklist.h
U verlihub/src/cmeanfrequency.cpp
U verlihub/src/cmeanfrequency.h
U verlihub/src/cmessagedc.cpp
U verlihub/src/cmessagedc.h
U verlihub/src/cmutex.cpp
U verlihub/src/cmutex.h
U verlihub/src/cmysql.cpp
U verlihub/src/cmysql.h
U verlihub/src/cobj.cpp
U verlihub/src/cobj.h
U verlihub/src/coperator.cpp
U verlihub/src/coperator.h
U verlihub/src/cpcre.cpp
U verlihub/src/cpcre.h
U verlihub/src/cpenaltylist.cpp
U verlihub/src/cpenaltylist.h
U verlihub/src/cpluginbase.cpp
U verlihub/src/cpluginbase.h
U verlihub/src/cpluginloader.cpp
U verlihub/src/cpluginloader.h
U verlihub/src/cpluginmanager.cpp
U verlihub/src/cpluginmanager.h
U verlihub/src/cprotocol.cpp
U verlihub/src/cprotocol.h
U verlihub/src/cprotocommand.cpp
U verlihub/src/cprotocommand.h
U verlihub/src/cquery.cpp
U verlihub/src/cquery.h
U verlihub/src/creglist.cpp
U verlihub/src/creglist.h
U verlihub/src/creguserinfo.cpp
U verlihub/src/creguserinfo.h
U verlihub/src/cserverdc.cpp
U verlihub/src/cserverdc.h
U verlihub/src/csetuplist.cpp
U verlihub/src/csetuplist.h
U verlihub/src/ctempfunctionbase.cpp
U verlihub/src/ctempfunctionbase.h
U verlihub/src/cthread.cpp
U verlihub/src/cthread.h
U verlihub/src/cthreadwork.cpp
U verlihub/src/cthreadwork.h
U verlihub/src/ctime.cpp
U verlihub/src/ctime.h
U verlihub/src/ctimeout.cpp
U verlihub/src/ctimeout.h
U verlihub/src/ctrigger.cpp
U verlihub/src/ctrigger.h
U verlihub/src/ctriggers.cpp
U verlihub/src/ctriggers.h
U verlihub/src/curr_date_time.h
U verlihub/src/cuser.cpp
U verlihub/src/cuser.h
U verlihub/src/cusercollection.cpp
U verlihub/src/cusercollection.h
U verlihub/src/cvhplugin.cpp
U verlihub/src/cvhplugin.h
U verlihub/src/cvhpluginmgr.cpp
U verlihub/src/cvhpluginmgr.h
U verlihub/src/cworkerthread.cpp
U verlihub/src/cworkerthread.h
U verlihub/src/dll.h
U verlihub/src/dllmain.cpp
U verlihub/src/script_api.cpp
U verlihub/src/script_api.h
U verlihub/src/stringutils.cpp
U verlihub/src/stringutils.h
U verlihub/src/tcache.h
U verlihub/src/tchashlistmap.h
U verlihub/src/thasharray.cpp
U verlihub/src/thasharray.h
U verlihub/src/tlistconsole.h
U verlihub/src/tlistplugin.h
U verlihub/src/tmysqlmemoryhash.h
U verlihub/src/tmysqlmemorylist.h
U verlihub/src/tmysqlmemoryordlist.h
U verlihub/src/tpluginbase.cpp
U verlihub/src/tpluginbase.h
U verlihub/src/verlihub.cpp
cvs checkout: Updating verlihub/templates
U verlihub/templates/cpp
U verlihub/templates/h

3. Compilare 

3.1 Pentru a compila si instala verlihub introduceti urmatoarea comanda in directorul in care ati downloadat / dezarhivat verlihub :

/configure && make && make install 
E-mail:~# cd verlihub/
E-mail# ./configure && make && make install  

3.2 Numai pentru compilare


4. configurare si startare verlihub 

Pentru a incepe configuarrea verlihubului : 

Tastati " ldconfig " 

Tastati " /usr/local/bin/vh_install" 

Ouputul : 

Your name ? (root) [ .. Apasati enter .. ]

Hello root,
let's start with configuration of database access..

mysql database for verlihub will be called? (verlihub) [ .. Numele db verlihubului .. ]
mysql user to access verlihub gonna be? (verlihub) [ .. Numele userului cu privilegii la acest db .. ]
password to access verlihub be? (1110079846) [ .. Parola Userului .. ]
mysql server will run where? (localhost) [ .. Apasati enter .. ]
user = verlihub
password = 1110079846
host = localhost
database = verlihub
This database account cannot be accessed
Is this info correct ? (Y/N)y [ .. Scrieti " y " .. ]
Do you want to create database now? (Y/N)y [ .. Scrieti "y" .. ]
Ok preparing mysql..
You probably need administrator access to mysql database
mysql administrator username? (root) [ .. Apasati enter .. ]


You'll be now promted by mysql client for password of E-mail
Enter password:[ .. Apasati enter daca nu aveti nici o parola, sau scrieti parola daca aveti .. ]
This database account exists


root, you need to choos a place for the configuration files
The order of folder that verlihub is looking for is following:

1 - variable $VERLIHUB_CFG - -inexisting-
2 - ./.verlihub - /root/verlihub-0.9.8c/scripts/.verlihub -inexisting-
3 - /root/.verlihub - /root/.verlihub -inexisting-
4 - /usr/local/etc/verlihub - /usr/local/etc/verlihub -inexisting-
5 - /etc/verlihub - /etc/verlihub -inexisting-
if two or more of these exist, lower number has priority

what is will be the configuration folder ? (/etc/verlihub) [ .. Apasati enter .. ]
The config folder /etc/verlihub does not exist and would be created
Do you want to continue with these settings (if not then select another folder) ? (Y/N) [ .. Scrieti "y" .. ]
Written: /etc/verlihub/dbconfig


Wait few seconds..
./vh_install: line 63: Killed $bindir/verlihub 1 >&/dev/null
root, now I will ask you few more questions about your f***ure hub, if you permit..

Try to not put many special characters, you'll be able to put some laer

Give me your DC hub master nickname.. ([SU]root) [ .. Scrie nickul tau de admin ..]
Choose your password.. (1110079846) [ .. Scrie o parola pt. userul tau .. ]
Which will be default ONE hub port number? (4111) [ .. Alege un port pe care sa functioneze verlihub .. ]
What will be your hub hostname? [ .. Introdu adresa sau ip`ul serverului .. ]
Give me the name of your hub (hub of root) [ .. Introdu numele hubului .. ]
Master user:
Master's password:
Is this info correct ? (Y/N) [ .. Scrie "y" .. ]
FYI: settings are going to be created or updated
will invoke the command
class is 10
nick is
password is

4.1 Pentru rularea hubului ca daemon scrie : 

" /usr/local/bin/vh_runhub " 

4.2 Pentru rularea hubului in mod normal : 

" verlihub "

 Install IrcU2.10.11.07:

# wget http://www.tocomocho.com/shells/ircu2.10.11.07.tar.gz
# gunzip ircu2.10.11.07.tar.gz
# tar xvf ircu2.10.11.07.tar
# cd ircu2.10.11.07
# ./configure -help
# ./configure --prefix=/home/tocomoch/ircd
# make
# make install
# cd
# cd ircd
# cd lib
# ls
# edit the exemple.conf ( as recomanda sa il editati cu WinScp-ul );( dupa ce editati fisierul exemple.conf salvati ce ati facut redenumiti fisierul exemple.conf in ircd.conf )
# cd
# cd bin
# chmod +x *
# ./ircd

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